VE475 Introduction to Cryptography (2015 Summer)
Covers fundamental concepts, algorithms, and protocols in cryptography. Topics are about ancient ciphers, symmetric encryption, public key encryption, hash functions, digital signatures, key distribution, etc. Highlights AES, RSA, discrete log, elliptic curves. Emphasizes rigorous mathematical study in terms of algorithmic complexity. Includes necessary background from algorithms, probability, number theory and algebra.
Block ciphers; public key cryptography; elliptic curve cryptography; quantum cryptography; cryptographic applications.
VE373 Design of Microprocessor Based Systems (2015 Summer)
This course is designed to cover different aspects of microprocessor-based system, and consists of both lecture and laboratory sessions. Topics include microprocessor memory map, software development, simulation, debugging and testing; hardware and software interfacing; principles of interrupts; peripheral configuration and control for Timers, UART, ADC, PWM, I2C, and other external devices. Experiments with specially designed laboratory facilities will help students to develop skills for embedded software development using assembly and C programming languages.
PIC MCU architecture; I/O; timer; interrupts; input capture; output compare; ADC; serial communication; DMA.
VV557 Methods of Applied Mathematics II (2015 Spring)
This course discusses Green’s function methods for solving PDEs, focusing on the Laplace equation but also extending to other PDEs. Starting from the Dirac delta function as a formal symbol to denote a point source, we begin a discussion of generalized functions (distributions), including weal derivatives and the distributional Fourier transform, leading to weak (distributional) solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations. Basic concepts are introduced and various methods for finding Green’s functions are discussed, including conformal mappings, the method of images and eigenfunction expansions. As an application, we give a brief overview of the use of Green’s functions in the boundary element method.
Green’s function; distributions; generalized solution to PDE.
VE301 Probabilistic Methods in Engineering (2015 Spring)
This course on basic elements of statistical and probabilistic methods focuses particularly on applications to engineering such as quality control, acceptance sampling and comparison of qualitative data. The goal is to introduce the student to statistical methods and give enough practice and familiarity so that these methods may be immediately applied in other courses, lab experiments and project work.
Probability theory; statistical inference; basic random process.
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VE370 Introduction to Computer Organization (2014 Fall)
This course is designed to cover basic concepts of computer organization and hardware; instructions executed by a processor and how to use these instructions in simple assembly-language programs; stored-program concept; datapath and control for multiple implementations of a processor; performance evaluation, pipelining, caches, virtual memory, input/output, parallelism.
Pipelined datapath and control; data and control hazard; exception; cache and virtual memory; MIPS Assembly.
VE270 Introduction to Logic Design (2014 Summer)
This course is designed to cover binary and non-binary number systems, Boolean algebra, digital design techniques, logic gates, logic minimization, standard combinational circuits, sequential circuits, flip-flops, arithmetic circuits, programmable logic devices, and computer-aided design. Laboratory includes design and implementations of digital circuits and systems.
Combinational logic design; sequential logic desgin; RTL design; Verilog HDL.
VE203 Discrete Mathematics (2013 Fall)
This course is an introduction to the mathematical foundations of computer science. It focuses on providing the students of the skills and tools used in the further study of computer science. All of the material is directly applicable to computer science and engineering, but it is presented from a mathematician's perspective. Students will learn that discrete mathematics is very useful, especially those whose interests lie in computer science and engineering, as well as those who plan to study probability, statistics, operations research, and other areas of applied mathematics.
Logic; set theory; number theory; combinatorial mathematics; discrete probability; graph theory.
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VV256 Applied Calculus IV (2013 Fall)
The sequence Applied Calculus VV155-156-255-256 is an introduction to basic calculus. New concepts are often introduced and extended from concrete examples, remaining closely aligned to applications. Most theorems are stated rigorously and motivated from examples, but complicated proofs and abstract generalizations are often omitted. The emphasis is on applying mathematical results to concrete problems. The present course focuses on ordinary differential equations and their applications.
Ordinary differential equation; Laplace Transformation; basic linear algebra; system of differential equations.
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VG101 Introduction to Computer and Programming (2012 Fall)
Introduce students in Engineering to the algorithmic method that drives the information age. Algorithms are an organized means to construct the solution of a problem, structured as a well-defined set of steps that can be carried out by a mechanism such as a computer. VG101 focuses on the development of algorithms to solve problems of relevance in engineering practice and on the implementation of these algorithms using high-level computer languages.
Introduction to computing; MATLAB programming and graphics; C programming; basic C++ programming.